Camisole Strict Leather Fastens

This accessory is a straitjacket that blocks the use of arms and hands. These are tied behind the back and allow to submit more easily the partner.
The camisole has a 50cm long enveloping part. It is adjustable by adjustable straps

Made of simili (polyurethane)


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Customer reviews with eKomi (2)

Good quality

Impossible to escape from this straitjacket. The best! It does not block the blood circulation like some!

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Weight: 228 gr

These indications correspond to the product in its packaging.
KinkHarness Camisole Strict Leather Fastens KinkHarness Camisole Strict Leather Fastens KinkHarness Camisole Strict Leather Fastens KinkHarness Camisole Strict Leather Fastens