Caribbean Blue

Jean Ti-Bois, Louis, Michel, Junior, Calixte... All these young people of the Tropical had, as Rimbaud sang, "beautiful bodies of twenty years that should go naked"... Why hide it? My descent to the West Indies was not only motivated by the attraction of palm trees and blond beaches. I was gay, I liked boys and, in my green countryside, it was not suitable

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    So, rather than sink into a depressive abstinence, I had chosen to go and throw my strangles in the tropics, putting an ocean between rural propriety and my pleasures. Christopher Columbus had discovered the Caribbean inadvertently while searching for the Indies. He dreamed of bringing back gold and spices. My Indies had the spicy charm of kisses and secret embraces, the soft and smooth skin of ebony bellies and the truculent language of sated desires. My own Indies, I dreamed of exploring them with my lips and fingers..

    Discovery of Haiti by Nicolas Henri

    224 pages in 10.8 x 17.8 cm format

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